How to Play Videos with Unsupported Audio Format on your TV?

Our life is becoming easier day by day, all thanks to the Smart technology (gadgets such as Smart TVs, Smart bands, Smart VR Glasses etc…). The good thing about the latest televisions is that you can simply operate it with your mobile phone, play videos in your handset on your TV wirelessly. This solves the hassle of using USB drives or DVD players to watch movies.

However, only a few are making use of this latest technology. Even today, most of the people are using their old televisions, which come with an inbuilt USB support that lets you play and watch movies without any DVD player attached. Unfortunately, a few of these TVs cannot recognize the audio codecs while trying to play any MKV file or AVI file format.

The common problem would be that the video will play alright but the audio will be missing. It is commonly seen in many HD-TV manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Sony etc…

The only solution when your TV doesn’t support the video file formats like AVI, MKV is to convert those files into a format that is accepted by your TV.

Many of you might’ve re-encoded the video file into another format but it is not necessary as the problem here is that your TV is incompatible with the audio-stream and not the video. So, we should just convert the audio stream by keeping the video stream intact. Wondering how to do it! This can be possible with software called “Avidemux”.

AviDemux MKV, AVI Video Converter Software

How to Play MKV and AVI Video Files with Unsupported Audio Format?

  1. Download and install Avidemux.
  2. Open the tool and then go to File and load the video file you wanted to convert.
  3. Choose “Copy” option from the drop-down menu which can be found under “Video Output” menu on the left hand side.
  4. Next, choose AC-3 (lav) under the “Audio Output” menu.
  5. Next, choose either MKV muxer or AVI muxer or MP4 muxer (depends on whether your video file was in MKV, AVI or MP4) under the “Output format”.
  6. Click “Save” button.

That’s it! Your audio will now be converted to your TV supported audio format and your video files will play without any issues.

P.S: The Encoding time depends on your PC configuration (available free RAM memory and processor speed). And don’t worry about the video quality. Since, we’re encoding only the audio, the video quality will remain the same.

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